Ristomanager update. Even though it’s summer, a vacation period for most companies, our programmers are constantly working to improve our products and get to work to keep Ristomanager Gestione Comande software at the top.
The 1.0.4 version of Ristomanager Gestione Comande has been updated in the Apple Store for iOS devices, which has provided for an intense week of work, to eliminate all the bugs, “errors” that our customers have reported. In our hearts among our customers we would like to point out Mr. Alberto Levito of Eurosportvil Srl, which he has helped us further to understand and improve our application, sending us also videos of when this crashed, and testing it several times in the ‘daily use, has reported the right combinations to get to solve all the problems presented.
Ristomanager update
Ristomanager update
We would like to inform you that in the update the function that sets the timeout has been inserted, you can set the number of seconds during which the device tries to connect to your server (windows / linux / OSX). If, after the seconds you set previously, there is no response from the server, the iOS device will disconnect. The timeout is essential in cases where one has problems with line drops and / or the router is at a long distance. In fact, it is recommended to set it with a high number of seconds, not to disconnect the connected devices immediately. If a restaurant has line problems that often falls, it is advisable to increase the timeout time. We recommend 5 seconds.

Another reported bug is that by clicking on the category menu, after choosing the dish it was not possible to click again on the dish and then proceed with the order now after arranging it, you can go ahead in choosing the other categories and dishes.
Ristomanager update

The problem that occurred after clicking on a particular table was also solved, and then the Button was selected to go back to the table list, the tables disappeared.

Ristomanager update
In addition, the layout for iOS devices, has been arranging making it responsive, that is, is able to adapt graphically automatically to the device with which they are displayed, minimizing the need for the user to resize and scroll through the contents. So now you can view our software both from an Iphone and an Ipad without causing visualization problems.
Why choose Ristomanager?
Ristomanager update
The problem with other software is that they require an internet connection. This leads to frustration for restaurateurs who have limited or no access due to their situation in restaurants across town (or country).
RistoManager works using your computer as a local server; this MAIN feature has been developed through years of experience and testing – discovering that some solutions only work ONLINE, which causes many problems for restaurateurs when they do not have bandwidth on site because there is no place near where you are at home / office etc, causing great inconvenience during periods of work!
Ristomanager update
With RISTOMANAGER, you can manage all your restaurant stocks from a single, easy-to-use interface. For example: If there is a particular food that always seems to run out before the other ingredients and its amount consumed tends to rise over time although production rates may have remained constant or decreased slightly but not significantly enough for consumer tastes (eats more than usual), then with this program it will be possible through the programming of adjustments made by experienced and trained staff like me!
Ristomanager update
Through any tablet with Android system, you can download the RISTOMANAGER application and manage the orders of your restaurant. You will see in real time how many tables are currently occupied or waiting for payment so that it is easy for staff members to maintain efficiency in their turn! Create endless rooms by inserting backgrounds that will be customized every time someone enters one of these spaces – this way there is always something new when guests arrive in the dining rooms.
You can enter the details of your regular customers from this window, so you can easily associate them with reservations and orders during checkout. The customer list is always available in case someone needs it when booking or ordering online!
Ristomanager is a software for the management of your restaurant that allows you to better manage orders without any kind of connection problem. Our strength, speed and accuracy in managing service at tables with internet disconnected; all data will always be saved on the local PC allowing users to work even when they are offline or limited by connections – Waiters can also keep track of inventory and inventory items as well as retain customers by also analyzing business trends efficiently!
Now I leave you to take your orders