The installation of RistoManager on MAC OS-X systems is very simple, just go to the download section of the site ( and click on “Download Now” the Mac version – Os X.
To install a program from the Mac App Store, all you have to do is click on the OPEN button, there is no other installation procedure to follow!
Now enter your Apple ID and password:
Just click on “Install” and wait for RistoManager to be installed on your computer: there is no boring installation procedure to follow!
When is installed, simply go to “GO” on the top bar and select Applications or use the shortcut cmd + shift + A
By clicking on the icon you can use RistoManager
The important thing to note is that if you choose to buy one of the paid versions of Ristomanager, they will be associated with your Apple account: this means that you can re-download as many times as you want and on how many computers you want, as long as those ones are associated with the same Apple ID that you have used to make the purchase.