Through the specific Categories Management button in the Warehouse window, it is possible to manage the Categories of the products sold, whether they are Pieces or actual Warehouse products.
Insertion of a New Category of Products
Once you click on the Insert button in the Categories Management window, just enter the category name and confirm with the Insert button, or cancel the operation using the Close button.
As with the insertion of the Products, it is possible to continue the creation of new categories, through the option “Do not close after entering a category”.
Editing a Product Category
The Modify button opens a small window in which you can change the Name of the Category, previously selected from the appropriate list, and then confirm or cancel the operation in progress.
Deleting a Product Category
By selecting a Category from the appropriate list, you can quickly delete it using the Delete button.
Search for Product Categories
To search for a category among the existing ones, just type the name in the “Search Category” box, then use the Search button; the results will be displayed in the Categories list.