Thanks to the orange button, it is possible to Download the Products from the Warehouse section.
Select the product that you have chosen to download ….
After selecting the product, click the Product Download button, and you it be shown the window you see below …
In the Product Code field * (1), enter the product code you wish to download (in the example ACQUA12), the Product Title field (2) will be filled automatically (in case of existing product code).
In the red rectangle, there are 3 fields: Existence refers to the current stock of the product in the warehouse, in the Qnt field. Download, enter the amount of product to download, and the Total Qnt field. will be updated with the new quantity.
It is also possible to change the sales price from this screen by changing the number in the relevant field.
To confirm, click on the Download button.
* N.B. the product code field distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters, (it is said that it is Case Sensitive).