Insertion of new Orders in Tables
Once you have selected the table on which to assign an order, just press the Insert button and fill in the data of the window that will open.

– Insertion of a Customer
It is possible to assign a Customer, in the same way as it is inserted in a reservation, or simply by typing the name in the box with the same name, using the Search function, in the case of a regular customer, or finally adding it as New.
– Specify the number of blankets
By entering the number of Blankets in that order in this box, it automatically calculates the relative amount in Euro.
– Selection of categories and dishes
In this section you will find the list of categories of products available for orders; for each product to be included in the order, just click on the Category (1), to get the list of dishes (2) contained in that category and then click on the dish to insert it automatically in the list of products that are ordered (3).
When this has been done, it is possible to change the quantities of the inserted products simply by selecting them and typing the desired quantity in the Quantity box (4) or by increasing or decreasing it with the small buttons on the right of the mentioned box.
– The Additions
In case of complex orders, it is possible to act on the additions, or the ingredients, thanks to the use of the Add Ingredient button (1); once the product to be modified has been selected and the appropriate button that has been pressed, the window will appear to insert the added item inserted through the appropriate function of the Warehouse.
Once you have selected the ingredient (2), you will have several options: add ingredients to the product using the function, in the case of ingredients that are not present in the original product; decrease or increase the dose of an ingredient of the product, thanks to the Poco and Molto functions; eliminate an ingredient from a product, using the function Without (3).
To confirm each operation, click on the Insert button (4).
NOTE: This procedure can not be used if another addition is selected. You will see an error message (This is not a product).
– Insertion of any Notes
By clicking on Notes, you can write notes that will appear on the orders sent to the printers of the various departments.
Just type what you want and confirm everything with the Insert button.

– Groups
RistoManager provides a very useful function for the detailed management of the service order of the dishes to a specific table, through the creation and management of the “Groups”.
– Create a Group (Example 5.1)
When you create your order, a Group 1 already appears at the top, ready to accept the products you are going to insert. If you need to create a new group, as in the case of dishes or products to be served after others, or if one or more customers want other products or dishes, you can create a new Group at any time, using the appropriate button Create Group, located below the list of products ordered.
In the displayed example (Example 5.1), after selecting the dish (1), we used the Create Group button (2) and it was moved to the new Group (3).
It may also happen that the product for which you want to create a new group, is at least on the top of the Food List, so by performing the normal procedure of creating a new group, it would cause the movement of ALL products in the second group; to solve this problem, it is necessary to proceed as follows, depending on the cases that may occur: – when there are only two products in the order (example 5.2) – this is the easiest case to solve: it will be enough to select normally the dish you want move (the Giardiniera in the example), proceed in the way already described to create a new Group (Create Group button) and select the OTHER dish (the Bufala of the example);
(image A-1/2)
with this selected, you will have to move in the Group section of the order window, to use the drop-down menu containing the groups created (Group 1, Group 2 in the example) and select Group 1, finally use the Change button: you will have all the dishes in the correct groups;
(image B-1/2)
– when there are more than two products (example 5.3) – in this case, the solution consists of two variants and for the previous one, we will describe the quickest one to do (the second increases in complexity, as the ordered products increase): avoid unnecessary complications you must select the last product on the list (the Bresaola sandwich of the example.It will seem a contradiction, but we assure you that it is the simplest method); at that point, you will have to create a new Group and proceed to move the desired dish (pizza to the mushrooms of the example), then move again the dish moved to the beginning (Bresaola). (example 2)
NOTE: To create a new Group, you must have at least two different products in the order.
– Move products between different groups
There are occasions when it is necessary to move a dish from one group to another, for example when a customer wants to postpone the arrival of a dish; in this case, just select the dish in question, and then use the function activated by the Change button, after selecting from the convenient drop-down menu, the group in which you want to move that dish.
– Delete Groups
Deleting an entire group does not delete the products contained in it, which will instead pass into the group immediately preceding the list (example 5.4).
– Elimination of Products
You can delete the products one at a time, selecting them from the command and then using the Delete button.
– Apply Discounts on Orders
Specifying the percentage of discount in the box with the same, this will be applied to the Total to be paid.
NOTE: by inserting or modifying an amount in the Total to Pay, the Discount percentage is automatically calculated.
– Empty the Orders
If you want to cancel the command without closing the window, just click on the Empty button to start over.
To confirm the whole order, just click the Insert button, while to cancel the whole operation, the Close button.
NOTE: the orders from PDA are treated in the dedicated section.
Modification of Orders in the Tables
All the operations described above can also be carried out during the modification.
– Elimination of Products and Additions from the Orders
Simply select the Product or Add to delete and press the Delete button.
Emptying of the tables
You can empty a table using the function activated by the Empty button in the Orders section of the Tables Management, or by opening a table with command (right mouse button), and using the Empty Order item from the drop-down menu that opens. In both cases it will be like using the Close Account function, and the amounts will be added to the Sales Statistics.
Emptying all the tables
If you want to empty all the tables, in order to free them for the insertion of new orders, there is a special function that can be activated directly from the Tables Map and without selecting any table.
Print the Table Orders
There are two ways to send the prints of the orders to the various departments: the first and most immediate is to print the order when a new order is created, while the second method is to use the Orders window (right click, view Order ) on a red table or occupied and with products ordered; from here just use the Send Command button.
NOTE: from the Orders window you can print individual products; just select them and use the Send button.
Split an account
In RistoMangaer there is the possibility to divide an account, so you can easily manage those situations in which only a few people at a table leave him before the others. To split an account, you must first have an order already in place for that table, from the order modification screen, check the Split account box.
From the left column (1), select the products that will be part of the new account, with the ability to search, as we have already seen, a customer or leave the field anonymous.
After selecting the product, click on the green arrow (2) to add the product to the new account created (3). As for the products, you can also specify how to divide the covers.
N.B. The Print Account function will print only the new Account, ie the one containing the products “moved to the right”. The printing of the remaining products will still take place when the table is released.
The “Touch Mode”, if activated, will allow you to insert the products using the “Touch Screen”.
Printing the receipt of a table
The receipts can be printed for those tables that are occupied, which have a red color (table with order in place) or yellow (tables for which the account has been requested), within the tables management. Just click with the right mouse button and choose View Order on the table for which you want to print the receipt, to open the corresponding Orders window, then use the Print Receipt button.
Print the tables of joined tables
The Print function present in the tables management, allows you to print the account of two or more tables on which orders are present, in order to simplify the closure of the accounts, if there are groups of customers so numerous to occupy several tables at the same time.
To do this, there must be at least two tables with orders in progress, in which case the Print Union button will bring up the Print Single Account window, in which will be present the Table List with orders to be selected and add to the Single Account of Press Tables.
Once you have entered all the tables of the Single Account (red arrow), you will have the Partial Total to which you can decide whether to assign a Discount and have the Total to Pay.
Finally you must confirm with the Print Account button (purple button indicated by the green arrow); the order will be sent to print a receipt with the price of all the products of all the orders on the tables.
Movement of Orders between Tables
RistoManager offers the possibility to move the orders from one table to another, using the appropriate Move Orders function, activated by the brown button in the Order Management section
After selecting the table of origin of the command, name will appear already selected in the left column “From Table”: just select the name of the destination table from the right column “To Table”: and press the Move button; the initial table will assume the green color typical of the free tables, while the table on which the order will be moved, will change to the red color indicating the transfer of the order.
In the image, we are moving an order from Table 12 to Table 15.