Food Storytelling is the ability of a brand to engage and excite the consumer by creating and telling a story. This story can talk about the product, its creators, or even tell the life of the consumer himself. Whatever you’re talking about storytelling, the important thing is to capture the attention first and then the heart of the beholder.
The intent is to arouse strong feelings – surprise, emotion, joy – telling the story of the activity and to those who are part of it. This helps the brand to establish a privileged link with the consumer, who becomes aware of details and anecdotes that will make him feel a participant and not just a recipient of the narration.
It’s necessary to make food storytelling because in this way you can engage your customers more.
It’s important to make food storytelling because this way you can engage your customers more and make them feel part of the experience.
Cake sales have proven to be a way for business owners – especially those who work at set times – to generate revenue and at the same time get creative by telling stories through their baked goods!
The power of storytelling is undeniable. It can take you places and make your life more interesting than ever!
A study from University College London found that we are much more likely to buy something if it’s stories involving food than just reading or viewing them online – so what better way for restaurants/bars that Do they want people to enter their doors again? The stories allow them a platform from which customers feel involved.
Food storytelling: what to tell.

First of all, identify what you want to tell and what customers want to hear. The options are many: you can tell the story of your family, where the name / logo of your restaurant is born, how you choose your dishes and ingredients, what are your ambitions and so much more. Get Creative.
Food storytelling is a trend that has been catching on in recent years. The idea behind it, as you may have guessed from the name: telling stories through food and drink in your favorite restaurant, so that guests feel something when they leave – whether they are elated or sorry
It’s about creating an experience for customers with every bite of nourishment in their plate. You want them back right after because this place was too good!
At the same time, consult the web (specifically reviews on Trip Adivsor, Facebook, etc.) to see what is the trend of customers who frequent your areas.
If your business is located in a historic district, your customers expect a restaurant link with the local tradition: tell them about your origins, your choice of location, and so on.

Storytelling is a type of versatile and customizable advertising campaign that can permeate much of the communication of your business. The important thing is to be able to involve the loyal customer and intrigue and fascinate the potential new consumer.
If your restaurant offers excellences (from craft beers, to the dish with this ingredient, to pizza with special grains, etc.), do not forget that those who choose you probably do it because they have read about you online. Tell us about your specialties to those who still do not know you or who wants to talk about you in a post and share it on social media.
It does not matter if you do not have a legendary story behind your back: emphasize the values you want to convey in the narrative.
Focusing on values rather than on the actual history of the venue should not, however, make your storytelling a foregone conclusion. Even everyday life can be effectively self told with transparency and sincerity and with a language appropriate to your recipients.
How to make food storytelling online and offline.

On social networks, for example, the story can be told episodically through a series of publications of images and texts that enhance, post after post, your origins, your characteristics, your mission. An advice:should contents better than pointing to short texts as long as they are incisive and effective images. To avoid the long , verbose and tiring posts.
Food storytelling
A local, however, can also be told off the web. For example, with short emotional and / or captivating texts printed on tablecloths, napkins or walls of the room. They will take hold on who enters and consumes. You can also make storytelling on the same promotional material (such as flyers or posters), and finally also on the menu. Speaking of “menu” have you ever thought of giving the dishes the names of your staff, the streets of your neighborhood or anything else you characterize and identify?
Unleash your imagination and have a good storytelling!
Read also: What is Food Beverage Management.