THE SPEED OF TRANSPORT. The frenetic pace of everyday life often leads to choose the so-called lunch on the fly.


Many people are forced to choose a quick lunch break and easy to take away, avoiding the more dilated times of a restaurant meal.

Others decide to order food to take home for greater convenience or economic reasons.



The take away service is therefore in continuous growth, a widespread phenomenon that involves about the majority of….

The frenetic pace of everyday life often leads to choose the so-called lunch on the fly.

Many people are forced to choose a quick lunch break and easy to take away, avoiding the more dilated times of a restaurant meal.

Others decide to order food to take home for greater convenience or economic reasons.

The take away service is therefore in continuous growth, a widespread phenomenon that involves about the majority of

What are the aspects that you should never overlook in an offer to take away?

Offer studied on the target


With a frequency of 3 times a month, the office is the place from which more orders are made with home demand.

If the target of your restaurant is mostly composed of workers who eat a meal during the lunch break, you should create special offers for this band.

We are not just talking about the economic aspect (the classic proposal for which with 8 € of expenditure, delivery is free), but to make satisfied the end customer of the product delivered.


Take-away service is often seen as a risk by those who buy because the food could get cold or overturned. It is necessary to rely on solid containers that can allow food to be transported without compromise, especially for those THAT OFFER a liquid meal.

Often the home menu is reduced compared to the classic one due to the technical aspect of transport. To make your restaurant even more successful at lunchtime, expand the takeaway offer with a varied menu. Not just sandwiches, but also first courses, side dishes and main courses without giving up taste. For the creation of hot dishes in a short time you can rely on a multi function oven that allows you to cook in many ways and in a short time any type of food. So when the order arrives you can immediately start preparing the dish, beating any competition over time.

Contact care


About 39% of Italians who decide to order takeaway do it via telephone. A classic method to which, however, are being added other contact methods such as digital take-away. The ability to book a dish online is a typical behavior of new generations, who use smartphones and applications dedicated to the take-out.

For this reason it is essential to take care of your online contacts carefully, keeping them up-to-date and making them easy to find and to insert loyal customers.

Take-away service times


Although speed in the take-off is a very discriminating factor, do not let me make promises that can not be kept. Usually the customer always asks what time it will arrive or will have to come and collect the food, make the right calculations without indicating a non-concrete time. Be realistic with your customers, the perception of time when you wait for your plate tends to dilate so a tip we want to give you is to accept that to travel a certain distance takes some time.

Expanding the take-away menu, taking care of your contacts and having real time frames are all aspects that will make your service take away a positive experience for the customer.

In order to facilitate payment, it is better to have a fast cash desk connected to the reservation management, that is to say, a software for managing restaurant reservations for all of it.

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