Buy a restaurant. With the economic decreasing, more and more displaced workers are changing their career and going into business for themselves, including opening their own restaurant. However, even before the recession, a mass of restaurants tends to come Read more

How to contain the costs of the menu: 3 solutions.
Contain the costs of the menu. It is estimated that the catering sector makes 6,000,000,000 euros in turnover, yet for every dollar earned, more than half is spent on labor, supplies and repairs. So, it’s no surprise that restaurants Read more

How to improve a restaurant’s customer service.
Here are four simple steps for great customer service
Improve the customer service of a restaurant. Here are four simple steps to improve the customer service of a restaurant. What are we talking about? When we Read more

How to create a restaurant menu: 9 things to know.
Restaurant menu. It is said that the appetite comes by eating, and yet how many times have we sat in a restaurant and leafed through the menu we got a mouth watering? Scrolling through the different names of Read more

Wine tasting dinner: 4 tips
Wine tasting dinner. Wine is an alcoholic beverage that never goes out of fashion. A wine tasting dinner is a popular and promotional event to try at your restaurant. The Wine Tasting Restaurant offers the opportunity to encourage businesses, Read more