Welcome to Ristomanager 2018r1

Ristomanager 2018r1.Today with great pride we want to announce the new release of Ristomanager, codenamed “Ristomanager 2018R1” we have worked hard in recent months to be able to offer you the best of software, obviously always respecting the main criteria in the restaurant. In this new version the policy of our license changes that currently obliged the constant renewal of our plans, but now we have decided to EXTEND the license purchased forever, so who will buy the license will no longer have any type of expiration every year and will be completely free.

We have also decided to respect your Privacy Policy and not to request data such as email, to users who download the free version; in fact, from this release the software will ask you only which warehouse to use but will not ask for your personal data, this has also been done to respect your privacy.

During the software start-up phase, Ristomanager will ask you whether to use a NEW warehouse, or to use a TEST warehouse as photos!

Ristomanager 2018r1

Ristomanager 2018r1
Ristomanager 2018r1

With the products already loaded by us, you will have the possibility to try the software quickly, without LOADING ALL THE PRODUCTS.

Ristomanager 2018r1

The entire management of the tables management has been redesigned and the management of creation of infinite SALES has been introduced, so that the large rooms have more possibilities to manage more tables in different rooms.

Listening to you, we have added the possibility to insert the DEADLINES of the products, in order to have an overview of the products that are expiring in the warehouse.

Without going to modify the single product to assign a printer, we have introduced the possibility of combining one or more printers to the selected products in one shot.

From now on, you can enter a password on the windows of the program so that if a restaurant owner does not want to show his data to employees, he can protect the various areas such as “statistics” or “warehouse loading”.

Many of you have reported to us that they had problems loading the products, since the old software, too cumbersome when loading the images of the single product, we redesigned this interface and now it will be very simple to load the images.

If you need to import products from another software, using an external CSV file, thanks to an interface in the warehouse management window, you can load a large number of products in a single step.

We have also set up the management in the fast cash desk to make the software more intuitive and light.

Read also: Ristomanager: software that manages restaurant reservations

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