Public catering with direct administering. One of the most important line of work, one of the most debated too, is without any doubt catering. There is a large number of people that dream to work or to invest in this sector.
Knowing what is public catering with direct administering can be fundamental for those who shows interest in this fascinating and multi-colored world.
Public catering with direct administering
It’s no coincidence that when people decide to start a catering business such as bar or whatever plans to adminsitrate food and drinks, they attend a qualifying training course in order to learn everything about this topic.
This kind of courses are named SAB, back in the days their name was REC courses (Italian acronym for Registro Esercenti Commercio). There are many of them but they are a really sought-after courses in almost every region. The difference between each one can be cost, circumstances and the different type of business but somehow they range the same subjects, from legislation to hygiene and heath.
Public catering with direct administering
Moreover they deal with catering techniques, safety work standards and all kind of marketing strategies that have been planned until nowadays. Obviously courses have to be organized by certified authorities that possess the requisites established by the region where they operate.

In the next paragraph we will discuss about who has to attend qualifying training courses, which are the criteria used to avoid their compulsoriness and later on we will understand precisely what is public catering with direct administering.
When food and drinks training courses are compulsory?
As we earlier said, who decides to step up his game in catering or in a food and drink business, has to attend SAB courses provided by his region. There are some exception, that let you avoid to attend this courses.
Indeed, if the person concerned has a 5 year professional experience in a business that serves food and drinks he won’t have to register to or attend any course.
Public catering with direct administering
The same thing is valid in the case the person possess a university qualification or a high school or three-year diploma related to the business he is going to start. Last but not least if you are already register in “ registro esercenti” you are exonerated too.
It’s important to remember that who has to attend a SAB course, needs to pass the exam with a positive result in order to be authorized, and he has to do it following the ruels and fulfilling the minimum amount of hours established by the authorities.
Surfing the internet you can find websites that offers online courses. They allows the student to attend classes and prepare the exam comfortably from his own house
It’s important to verify that the authorities and websites that offer the courses possess all the certification and requirements that allow them to release a valid certificate.

Public catering with direct administering
What is administration of food and drinks?
Public catering with direct administering
It’ defined administration of food and drinks the type of business related to the trade, distribution, and consumption of food in a public space or building. The definition is valid also for vending machines.
One of the things that defines the concept of administration is whether or not there are employees and there is a waiting service in the commercial activity.
In case of the employees take care of the customers but there is no waiting service, we can’t talk about food administration. An example could be buying something in a market, but also in an ice cream store, a deli or a shawarma stand.
In this cases the definition is retail trade activity because the food is purchased and paid without waiting service.
What are the characteristics of administration activities?

There are various characteristics and requirement that identify an administration activity. First of all, as concerned their location there are no limitations about where to start one, with the exception of municipal regulations.
Moreover they have to be monitored with ease and to observe the ministerial decree issued in December 92 that established the monitoring criteria about public administration activities.
This criteria differs on the bases of whether the activity is opened to the public or only to a small amount of people. Food administration activities, defined as “unique type”, must follow hygiene and health rules.
This activities have the possibility to offer a takeaway service for food and drinks that they sell without any further authorization. In the end we remember you that there aren’t laws that prevent a joint exercise between different type of activities, even thought there are different owners. The problem about this is that some standars, such as surveillance provisions, make it an unacceptable way.