Poor management: the 3 most important ones

The restaurant is a full-fledged company and, as as that one , must be managed according to precise criteria, evaluating and planning costs and investments as well as possible actions to improve their organization. A successful restaurant is in fact the first  restaurant that works and is therefore well managed and well organized.

Negative restaurant management signals: how to recognize them in time

On the contrary, poor management causes irreparable damage, especially in the long term, which, in addition to spilling over the reputation and image of the restaurant, risks leads the business towards on an insured bankruptcy. For this reason, before arriving at a point of no return, it is good to identify any negative signs or weaknesses of the restaurant, on which to interfere before being too late.

These signals concern different aspects of management, ranging from management of the kitchen and the supply of the warehouse to the management of orders . However, there are some more important than others that, if is present, are an indication of the need for a quick change of course.

Negative restaurant management signals: the most worrying  thing.

Lack of raw materials

Beyond the quality of raw materials, whose research should be an obligation for any restaurateur, supply could also be a problem. In reality it happens rarely,and  sometimes the kitchen finds itself lacking the necessary ingredients for the preparation of the dishes. This happens because a correct and precise supply of raw materials has not been made. This is the typical situation in which the customer is pleased to order something and is told that the dish is not available or is sold out. It must be said that especially in restaurants at km 0, politics is just this: make available a few dishes and avoid frozen products or stored too long. However, in the rest of the cases, the problem is due to poor management, which could be solved with a little more attention and an automated management of the warehouse.

Warehouse management: find out how to best organize it!

Errors in the orders

While the first point has an impact on the kitchen and the dishes that are served, the management of the orders heavily affects the service. An incorrect order or a forgotten order  in the all orders creates in fact considerable inconvenience to the customer who, in addition to not feeling pampered,  has the impression of being in a restaurant managed in an approximate and superficial way. The perceived image of the service is negative, which leads to a removal of customers from the restaurant. Not only that, too much confusion, due to the lack of organization and coordination, can lead to overspending or long waits and, consequently, once again to criticism and negative reviews. Also in this case the problem depends on poor management, which could instead be facilitated and optimized by resorting to some restaurant management. One of the best currently on the market is Ristomanager, a complete and easy-to-use software that allows you to manage and organize every aspect and activity of the restaurant: from the management of the tables to the warehouse, and to the management of staff and orders. Every aspect will be under the control of the manager or owner, who will be able to improve its management and bring the restaurant to success. Troublesome restaurant management problems: find out more!

Staff not organised

The management of the hall is very important. However, beyond the organization that can help improve the service, it is important that the hall is managed by competent and trained staff. Another negative signal that indicates a bad management is therefore the presence of an inadequate and unkind staff. If the staff is not properly informed about their role and duties, they will hardly be able to do their job well. First of all, therefore, it will be necessary to hire only competent personnel or to eventually form the existing one. Subsequently it will also be necessary to manage and supervise it in the most appropriate way, which can be done once again using a good restaurant management system. Ristomanager, for example, offers among its various functionalities also what is  relating to personnel management. In this way, it will be able to subdivide the roles well and precisely define the tasks, also  avoiding errors and overlaps that could only generate confusion and the worse of  the service.

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