Staff room errors. In order for a restaurant to work and build a good reputation, it is essential to take care of every single aspect. In fact, it is not enough to worry about the kitchen or the furniture in the rooms, as a restaurant is also made up of people, who with their competence and kindness can conquer the customer.
staff room errors
In particular we are talking about the dining room staff, which represents the soul of the service and which greatly affects the image and reputation of the restaurant. For this reason, entrusting to competent and properly trained personnel is a must, in order to avoid disservices and malfunctions that could worsen the service and disturb the customer experience.
staff room errors
Unfortunately, the management of room staff is not always done in the best way. Sometimes, for economic reasons or due to lack of time, it is preferable to choose the lowest cost personnel, which is often also the least prepared and most able to do errors. Other times, on the other hand, there is a tendency to concentrate on not properly training the staff, thus creating confusion in the tasks and tasks to be carried out.
Some errors, however, are more common and common and are those that often lead the customer to move away and opt for another place.
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Serious staff room errors: the 5 most common
staff room errors
Among the most serious and unpardonable errors that the hall staff can commit certainly falls the total lack of cordiality. The waiter has a very delicate role, as he has to interface with the client, who can be very accommodating but also very demanding.
To present oneself with a smile and to always show cordiality and availability is surely the first step to conquer it and to make sure that lunch or dinner continue in the right direction. On the contrary, a surly and superficial waiter could damage the image of the restaurant and compromise the relationship with customers.
staff room errors
Non-knowledge of languages
This is especially true in cities where many tourists are present or the presence of foreign citizens is very high. In any case, knowing at least one foreign language, in addition to Italian is now almost an obligation and every self-respecting waiter should be able to interface with foreign customers unable to speak in Italian. Taking care of this aspect is therefore fundamental to improve the quality of the service and the image of the restaurant itself.
Unprepared on the menu
Another unacceptable and even more serious error than the previous ones concerns the actual preparation of the hall staff. Specifically, not knowing the menu and, therefore, not being able to explain it to the customer can seriously damage the service of the restaurant. The most indecisive customer, in fact, often tends to rely on the room staff in the hope of receiving advice or more clarifications. In this case, the waiter would show incompetence and the image of the restaurant would be ruined.
staff room errors
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Inability to manage stress moments
As already anticipated, the trade of room staff is not at all simple. In addition to taking into account the character and expectations of individual customers, it will also need to move with agility and speed, so as to avoid long unpardonable expectations.
The good waiter is therefore the prepared one, but also the one able to manage moments of tension and stress, which inevitably occur in any restaurant. Especially in the busiest periods, it will require a more timely management of orders and orders, but at the same time punctual and precise. To facilitate the work, the advice is to equip your tablet room staff to take orders. In this way you will avoid hand-written orders, often indecipherable or destined to be lost, and all orders will be automatically transferred to the kitchen.
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staff room errors
Lack of preparation
This is surely the most serious mistake that a waiter can commit. The lack of preparation translates into a weaker service in which the insecurity of the waiter appears, which should always be safe and prepared. In short, as well as friendliness and kindness are the first business card for the hall staff, knowing their role and their duties is just as important. In the event that you decide to hire staff that are too young or unprepared, then the owner must also take care of the training, taking care for the waiter that acquires full awareness of his role.