Build restaurant identity. Has your restaurant been open for a while, but are you struggling to increase your clientele? Probably this depends on the fact that the restaurant does not yet have a precise identity and is therefore not recognizable by your potential customers. Beyond a poor menu or location, there is indeed no worse thing than an anonymous restaurant with no personality. Building the identity of a restaurant is therefore a fundamental step for those who intend to bring their business to success.
Build restaurant identity
However, if it is easy to talk about it, it is quite another thing to do it. To proceed in the most correct way, it is important to first identify the key factors that contribute creating the identity of a restaurant. Subsequently it will be necessary to carefully plan every action, in order to avoid false steps and errors that could generate confusion and undermine the reputation and also the identity of the restaurant.
Build restaurant identity
How to build the identity of a restaurant: the importance of specialization
Creating an identity means giving life to a real soul, which can be unique and recognizable by the customer so to encourage him to frequent the place. Depriving a restaurant of its own identity will only condemn it to failure. But it is often very easy to fall into this error. Many restaurateurs, in fact, especially at the beginning, tend to avoid specialization and are limited offering a bit of everything, hoping to get the most customers. In reality this lack of specialization translates into a lack of personality, which makes the activity weak and destined sooner or later to fail.
Build restaurant identity

The first rule to build the identity of a restaurant is therefore to evaluate a possible specialization. This means offering a particular type of menu or orientating towards a certain type of cuisine. In this way your restaurant will have a very precise soul and will begin to become a point of reference for all those customers who are looking for a certain type of cuisine.How to create a successful restaurant: discover our tips!
How to build the identity of a restaurant: the location
But the location also defines the identity and the soul of a restaurant. It is in fact decisive, almost as much as the kitchen, and for this reason must be taken care of down to the smallest details. In some cases, especially if you are dealing with a traditional and not characteristic menu, the location can become the only distinctive element able to build the identity of the restaurant.
In these cases, in general, a singular and very particular furnishing is chosen, that can fascinate and amaze the customers, but without the risk of being ridiculous or out of place. For those who do not want to exaggerate the advice is to try to differentiate even with some detail, which could relate to the table or the room. To avoid instead an anonymous and devoid of taste, especially if the menu is characteristic and with personality.

How to build the identity of a restaurant: promotions
Beyond the type of cuisine offered and the location, however, there are also other ways to build the identity of a restaurant. An activity at the beginning, for example, could focus on promotions and offers, so to re-launch and acquire new customers. In this case, however, it is good to be very careful and evaluate the consequences that these choices will have in the future.
Build restaurant identity
If, in fact, the restaurant is identified mainly due to its discounts and promotions, it is advisable that those continue and are present even further in time. Otherwise, the customer used to frequent the restaurant for these reasons could find himself disappointed and discontented, deciding to leave the restaurant. The promotional and marketing activities can be managed and planned easily, provided that you rely on management and programs that can monitor every single action.
Among these, one of the most complete and easy to use is definitely Ristomanager, a software that will allow you to manage and plan every single aspect of your business: from warehouse management, to restaurant orders, to personnel management, to the activities customer loyalty. In short, a practical and useful tool to manage your restaurant in a professional manner and lead your business towards an assured success.