Restaurant reservations

Restaurant reservations. Did you know that Ristomanager is restaurant reservation management software? In this article, we will help you find out how to manage reservations with our software, explaining step by step all its features.

Restaurant reservations

Restaurant Read more


Top 10 restaurants in Sardinia

Restaurants in Sardinia. The typical Sardinian cuisine is divided between marine cuisine and pastoral and peasant cuisine. This division is due to its territory characterized by coastal areas and mountainous areas. There are many typical products, among which we Read more


Top 10 restaurants in Liguria

Restaurants in Liguria. The Ligurian cuisine is inspired by its recipes from the Mediterranean diet, consisting to the combination of seafood and products of the earth, but simple dishes are enhanced by the use of the many aromatic herbs Read more


Food & Cook Design

Food & Cook Design is the fusion between the art of designing and that of cooking. Food design is the term that encompasses the process of design studies and research leading to the emergence of products related to food. Read more


Ristomanager update in version 1.0.4 for iOS

Ristomanager update. Even though it’s summer,  a vacation period for most companies, our programmers are constantly working to improve our products and get to work to keep Ristomanager Gestione Comande software at the top.

The 1.0.4 version of Ristomanager Read more


Interview with Chef Gianfranco Pascucci

Chef Gianfranco Pascucci. The restaurant “Pascucci Al Porticciolo”, in Fiumicino, was born from the idea of ​​Gianfranco Pascucci, to transform freshly caught fish into delicious gourmet dishes. In this regard, in fact, the Michelin Star was recognized to Read more


Interview with PastryChef Isabella Potì

PastryChef Isabella Potì. Today we interviewed for you the very young PastryChef Isabella Potì, as well as sous chef of the Ristorante Bros di Lecce, led by Isabella herself and her partner ,Chef Floriano Pellegrino. Read more


Used Equipment for used restaurant

Used Equipment

Equipment for used restaurants

One of the working sectors that still defends itself in Italy is certainly restaurant. In fact, despite the economic crisis, which is still putting our country in serious trouble, many entrepreneurs decide Read more


“San Domenico di Imola” is always a success

The San Domenico di Imola Restaurant was founded in Imola in 1970, by the founder Gianluigi Morini. In 1973 he received the first report on the Red, in 1975 the first Michelin star arrived and in 1977 the Read more


The best 10 restaurants in Toscana

Restaurants in Toscana is one of the oldest regions of Italy. It is clear that the dishes of this land are linked to the Etruscans. But what are the main ingredients that make up traditional dishes? We just Read more

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