How to serve alcohol responsibly

How to serve alcohol responsibly. Many guests spend their holidays with family and friends, and alcohol is often part of the celebrations. When people get caught up in the exciting moment, they can consume too much alcohol.

Because of this, you need to be particularly vigilant and  responsibly to serve alcohol  during the holidays. We share and give you some expert suggestions, to serve alcoholic beverages and spirits:

Take some time to talk with your guests. This will help you determine the purpose of their visit as well as their levels of intoxication. If guests are determined to become intoxicated or “shine” you will surely know it. Above all, keep talking to each guest during ther visit.

Serving alcohol responsibly is easy! When serving alcoholic beverages, make sure everyone at your party has had a chance to order a proper drink before pouring the first one. Be honest with them so that they know what will be served and don’t serve anything but beer or wine unless you are sure that there are no other preferences for anyone participating (and even then consider offering alternatives).

How to serve alcohol responsibly

Many diners spend their holidays with family and friends, and alcohol is often a part of the celebrations. When people get caught up in the excitement, they can consume too much alcohol.

How to serve alcohol responsibly

Look carefully at the changes. You can learn a lot about the different levels of intoxication of your guests, simply by observing the physical and behavioral changes. Examples include:

Being  friendly, unhelpful, depressed or silent

Use a bad language or raise your voice

Drink faster or switch to stronger drinks or more and more

Talk or move slowly

Stagger, stumble or hit objects

How to serve alcohol responsibly

To count. Some guests may not show any physical or behavioral sign of intoxication, so counting how many glasses they drink can help keep track of their consumption. One drink contains about the same amount of alcohol and should be counted as a drink:

1 consumption = 5 ounces of wine; 12 ounces of beer; 1½ ounces of 80 ° liqueur; 1oz of 100 ° liqueur

Avoid pouring too much. Pouring too much liquor at a time makes it difficult for guests to accurately control their consumption. Follow the procedures for administering each drink perfectly, to ensure that each drink contains the expected amount of alcohol. If your room allows free deposit, check the accuracy periodically using a payment test.

How to serve alcohol responsibly

How to serve alcohol responsibly

Pouring too much liquor at a time makes it difficult for guests to accurately monitor their consumption. Follow each drink perfectly to ensure that each drink contains the expected amount of alcohol. If you allow free deposit in your room, check the accuracy periodically using a spill test.

Offer some food. This is one of the most important things you can do to serve alcohol responsibly and prevent intoxication. The food helps to keep the alcohol in the stomach, slowing the absorption rate of alcohol, and preventing it from reaching the small intensity, in which most of it is absorbed into the bloodstream. The best foods to get,  are those ones , rich in fat and / or protein. These elements are not easily digested, which slows the movement of alcohol into the small intestine.

Offer your guests something they can’t refuse, whether it’s a juicy burger or an extra order of ranch fries!

The most important thing you could do to prevent intoxication and ensure guests’ satisfaction would be to offer them delicious appetizers before starting drinking sessions; this will help to avoid excessive drinking because their stomach has been filled earlier than expected (think about all those midnight snacks).

Offer water. Drinking alcohol can lead to dehydration, making guests thirsty and potentially obligates  to consume more alcohol than they normally would. Rehydration can be done by offering water along with drinks and often filling glasses with water. This will help to keep the the body hydrated and can reduce the consumption of alcohol.

Read also: The rules for commercial catering

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