Instagram and catering

Instagram and catering: In the past, nobody would have taken a photo of the dishes in a restaurant. Nowadays, instead, sharing one’s experience is a very normal thing. The change is tangible, especially in catering marketing. The strength of a beautiful image on instagram now makes the difference. The simple and trusted word-of-mouth changed dynamics.

instagram and catering

The customer is attracted by a photo on instagram, to then eventually make a reservation. When he is at the restaurant, he will share his experience and someone else will look for the restaurant. Instagram is our new word-of-mouth.

A restaurant therefore needs an attractive profile to attract users. Attention must be focused on dishes, decorations and services.

Modern customers are more interested in ingredients, nutritional values, presentation and, of course, flavor. The gastronomic world has become a family environment.
Instagram allows you to have direct contact with potential customers, fascinated by everyday chefs.

Instagram and catering: you want to experiment

Instagram and catering

Customers increasingly want to open up to new gastronomic experiences. .
This allows restaurants more freedom, versatility and innovation. All of this contributes to increasing profits. they innovate and allow them to create new ways to increase their profits.

The restaurants are increasingly taking care of their presentations in order to have the best possible rendering in photos. The dishes become very colorful and are most appreciated in the instagram and catering world.

When we talk about recipes then, we are always looking for the last trend to insert in our menu. Even more if it is about satisfying both the millennials and the generation, born and raised in the world of digital sharing. They simply want to be surprised and then surprise their followers.

Looking for the most beautiful space

Instagram and catering

Changing decoration and lighting, one seeks to conform to the visual codes of the social platform. Bright and natural materials, stone, marble, wood, luminous metals, colorful tableware, lamps with diffused light. The idea is to create wonder with beauty and originality.

Marketing for everyone

Instagram and catering

Any company that tries to make its way into the chaotic world of digital advertising can carry out advertising campaigns, with a reasonable investment. Gastronomic and media influencers can also help small and medium businesses. Advertising in this way becomes more democratic and affordable for everyone.

There are very positive prospects and restaurants should definitely invest in this type of advertising.

Instagram and catering

This photographic social network allows us to find inspiration and feed our passions through images. It also allows us to establish contacts with people who share our passion. When used in business, it is easy to see positive effects and increase customers.

Restaurants, pubs, pizzerias and pastry shops use this platform to advertise themselves. A company or an individual who publishes content will have innumerable possibilities to attract followers who have a particular preference for the sector of competence of the user who published the content.

Instagram and catering: using it in the best way to attract customers

The sectors that have greater visibility on instagram are fashion, beauty, sport, fashion, travel and of course food.

Let’s see some interesting data: First we want to give you some data that makes you think:

  • 97% of liquor brands sell on Instagram;
  • 58% of food enthusiasts on Instagram have a keen interest in cooking, and restaurants;
  • 36% are more encouraged to try new things thanks to Instagram.

Instagram and catering

Images and videos on the web are like sirens for Ulysses. Include curiosity and desire.

If you have a restaurant, focus on the best you have to offer and share it. Make your followers participate and communicate the essence of your restaurant but also who you are!

First, an instagram business page is a must if you plan to sponsor your business

Later you will have to take into account that even before obviously offering good food, you have to offer an experience that your customers will love to live, relive and share. Make them participate in the news you want to implement in your business and in the kitchen and always be transparent.

You will have to pay attention to some things in particular:

  • presents the place where the restaurant is located;
  • introduce your staff;
  • allow users to see the environment in which you work;
  • communicates the atmosphere and creates relationships of esteem and trust.

Instagram and catering: photography

Instagram and catering

Try to follow these tips to always have beautiful and appealing content:

  • don’t take photos directly from Instagram: shoot from the phone, if you don’t have a professional camera;
  • no to too distant or small;
  • images must be symmetrical;
  • use dievrse angles;
  • use photo editing app:
  • shoots without flash and with possibly natural light (not with light in the restaurant);
  • keep the same style for all the photos.

For the format, the size of Instagram images are:

  • horizontal 1080 x 566 pixels;
  • vertical 1080 x 1350;
  • 1: 1 square with dimensions 1080 x 1080.

What to do to promote your restaurant?

  • uses Instagram Stories
  • create Pic Contest on Instagram where you reward users who post the best photos;
  • propose special offers;
  • encourage your customers to post selfies by tagging your restaurant;
  • creates events;
  • get in touch with Blogger, Food blogger offering them free meals in exchange for good publicity;
  • contact Influencer;
  • uses Instagram listings;
  • Enter the right hashtag Instagram food.

Hashtags are important for gaining visibility and attracting audiences that are part of your target audience.

You have a limit of 30 hashtags, but Instagram rewards consistency with the content, so better few but good.

What hashtags to use?

Enter hashtags that highlight the territory and local products.
Use the hashtags that allow you to reach your ideal target
Don’t forget the hashtag trend topic, that is the hashtags you want in the food but don’t overdo it.
Choose hashtag with various capacities: for example some that have a range from 1 to 5 million posts, other hashtags with 100 thousand per million, then again hashtag with posts under 100 thousand. The important thing is to be consistent.

But what is the most famous hashtag for restaurants?

The foodporn that is the most popular hashtag ever. The exploration of Instagram is based precisely on the hashtag search for thematic photographs. Therefore it is essential to choose the right hashtags, to make your way through the social network of images.

Read also: How to advertise on Facebook for your restaurant

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