Ristomanager: 2018r2 version

2018r2 version. In these hours we have released the new update for Ristomanager 2018r2. On this occasion we have fixed bugs on the security of Android handhelds, so if you are using tablets / phones with Android update from PlayStore.

In the new release there is the possibility of configuring the timeout on the server (disconnection time) of the PDAs, as evidenced by the apposity screen: this setting is useful for those who have delays on their local LAN network.

2018r2 version

We also want to announce a great news: we have developed a new Ristomanager License for small catering activities

2018r2 version

Ristomanager Light!

2018r2 version
2018r2 version

In the Light version you will have the possibility to use the software without any time limit, but with a maximum of 1000 orders generated both by the table management and by the fast cash desk.

In Ristomanager Light you will have the possibility to use only 1 room and to connect only 1 handheld.

The cost of the Light license is 100 euros Una Tantum and has no annual renewal obligation. Once the 1000 orders have been completed, you can repurchase another Lite license and use another 1000 orders or upgrade to a higher license such as Professional or Advanced.

Ristomanager 2018r2 version

Ristomanager is the only product on the market that does not require an internet connection, but works by exploiting your PC as a local server, thus taking advantage of the internal connection of your local network. This MAIN feature has been developed from our experiences DECENNIAL in the field of Catering, it has led us to find and TEST that some software solutions work only ONLINE is lead to stop entirely the cycle of work of the restaurateur, in the frequent cases when the internet connection is absent, the work of the software is completely blocked, create serious DAMAGES TO THE RESTAURANT as the unpaid and the lack of evidence of the accounting situation of the TABLES.

2018r2 version

RISTOMANAGER’s product management has been designed to make all loading and unloading operations from the restaurant warehouse easy and accurate at the same time. For example, it allows you to manage bar and restaurant stocks. For each item you can set in the program the quantities you have.

Why Ristomanager?

It is a software for the management of your restaurant designed to better manage orders without any kind of connection problem. Ristomanager software allows to manage the service at the tables with speed and precision. 

Our strong point is the ability to make you work even without an internet connection, all your data will always be saved on your pc locally and you can keep under control stocks and warehouse, Loyalty to your customers and analyze the progress of the business, manage the command thanks to your waiters. We remind you that RISTOMANAGER allows you to use your Android or Ios device to manage and take control and use your pc as a server in order to manage all the rooms. With RISTOMANAGER you do not have to worry about staying without connection, everything will always work!

Through customer management you can enter the data of your regular customers, so as to easily enter them during reservations and while you place orders through the fast checkout. 

Customers can be entered directly from this window, or every time you make a reservation or order, first enter the customer and then associate it with the operation you are carrying out.

Ristomanager allows you to make simple backups, so you can change the pc server in no time, just copy the folder Ristomanager, from one pc to another without having to reinstall strange services on your pc. This feature has been developed so that if during the evening your pc suddenly crashes, you can simply copy the files and continue working quietly.


All sales data will be easily accessible in the statistics module. The color graphics will make it even more intuitive to consult statistics. Statistical data can be compared with previous periods at any time. Thanks to all the filters in this window, you can analyze the performance of your restaurant business and filter the results according to your needs.

Read also: Ristomanager update in version 1.0.4 for iOS

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