Vegan or vegetarian. According to data from Eurispes, or the Italian Research Institute, in 2018 7 percent of Italians declare themselves vegan or vegetarian. The data that interests us most is that 55 percent of respondents said they Read more

5 most requested cocktails
Cocktails. Are you a restaurateur, a bartender or a waiter? Show some cultural notion on what you serve is a great way to make a good impression in front of a customer and to give a more professional image Read more

Open a bar? 4 good reasons
Open a bar. Are you thinking of setting up on your own to give a quality leap to your life? Or have you already started an activity in the sector and do you need to find some motivation again? Read more

Covered. It is one of the most annoying things, especially for tourists: not by chance, it exists only in Italy. But what is it?
It is the cost of provisioning. It is the space with all the objects Read more

The great Ambassador Expo 2015
Ambassador Expo 2015. Today we met Chef Moreno Cedroni, who today boasts 2 Michelin Stars and great editorial successes. He also had the privilege of being the Ambassador of Expo 2015, which was held in Milan. Below, Read more

How to get more customers
How to get more customers.
When people go out to eat out during the week, they have to come to you!
All your competitors continue to do the same things they have always done to win customers, that Read more

Interview with Chef Enrico Bartolini
Chef Enrico Bartolini. In the world of cooking is constantly growing and in Italy more and more chefs have conquered the palates of the Michelin Guide critics. Precisely for this reason, today we are pleased to share with Read more

Price of food and drink
The price of food and drink must be well thought out.
The cost of food and drink in a restaurant is an important part of what you pay. A good thought goes as things should cost, and prices are carefully Read more

VIEW ON THE SEA. Looking for a table with breathtaking views of the sea of Puglia? Here are some interesting proposals for a dinner with bows.
A table with sea views for dinner is the perfect way to enjoy the Read more

Ristomanager: 2018r2 version
2018r2 version. In these hours we have released the new update for Ristomanager 2018r2. On this occasion we have fixed bugs on the security of Android handhelds, so if you are using tablets / phones with Android update Read more