RistoManager wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays we hope that this Christmas you will spent with your loved ones / family, our gift for you is 10 coupon codes to be used on our Read more

Beer drink in Puglia
The beer has ancient origins, it is even thought that the fermentation happened by chance about 5000 years ago and then the monks were then to refine and improve this drink.
In our country, the microbrewery market is currently Read more

Restaurant digital technology
Between apps and social networks, the economy is increasing in digital way. And so also all commercial activities are forced to adapt. Even a restaurant can not fail to have a website, the facebook page or the instagram Read more

Head chef of the restaurant
A restaurant, small or large, is still a company and like any organization of this type presents its employees and their hierarchies. So we have the owner, who often plays the role of restaurant manager, the chef who directs Read more

Important sources of information and assistance are: UNIQUE DOOR FOR BUSINESSES, CONFESERCENTI, CONFCOMMERCIO and ASL.
Even if you have a consolidated experience, something new or secret could benefit you and your employees.
there are numerous COURSES OF OPENING BARS Read more

Restaurant manager: 3 tips
The success of a restaurant is measured by a series of factors. In addition to the quality of food and dishes offered, which is certainly the first distinctive element for such an activity, we must consider another aspect, which Read more

Poor management: the 3 most important ones
The restaurant is a full-fledged company and, as as that one , must be managed according to precise criteria, evaluating and planning costs and investments as well as possible actions to improve their organization. A successful restaurant is in Read more

New openings before Christmas
Christmas is also a beautiful moment for the opening of emblazoned names. Quality can not exclude the excellent management of catering.
Naples. The new take-away pizzeria that Paco Linus has open.
It boasts a record of pizzas baked in Read more

Why to choose a restaurant manager?
Opening or take over a restaurant for many people is the dream of a lifetime. A desire that almost always derives from a great passion for cooking, but that often is also accompanied by a lack of knowledge Read more

Management restaurant pizzeria: 3 tips
When you go to a restaurant or pizzeria, one of the first things you expect, in addition to eat well, is to find a fast and friendly service that can make the evening even more enjoyable. There is Read more