Have you decided to take over a restaurant but you are afraid of making a mistake? Surely, before embarking on a path of this kind, it is good to collect all the information and the most useful information to Read more

Better wood or electric oven? All pros and cons
If you have decided to open a pizzeria, surely one of the first questions you will face with concern the choice of the most suitable oven. In particular you will have to decide whether to buy an electric Read more

Table management in a restaurant
Have you just opened a restaurant and would you like to manage better the tables and the dining room? This is certainly one of the most important aspects of the various management activities. The hall is Read more

Online restaurant management games
Online restaurant management games. In vogue for several years now, the management games of restaurants are among the most searched and downloaded online games. Maybe because playing with food and cooking is always a pleasure, it will perhaps Read more

How to manage a bar: 4 rules to succeed
How to manage a bar. Have you just decided to open a bar and would you like to understand how to make a difference and be successful in a short time? Let’s start by saying that the bar, Read more

Microbreweries in the Veneto
Microbreweries in the Veneto. Some are real brewpubs, others just shops for direct sales. Enriching the frigovetrine and the menus with the local aromas of local craft beers can represent an added value. They will be inserted between the Read more

Welcome to Ristomanager 2018r1
Ristomanager 2018r1.Today with great pride we want to announce the new release of Ristomanager, codenamed “Ristomanager 2018R1” we have worked hard in recent months to be able to offer you the best of software, obviously always respecting Read more

Restaurants and electronic invoice
Electronic invoice. From 1 January 2019, only electronic invoices will be issued.
They will cover the sale of goods and services rendered between residents, established or identified in the territory of the state and for the relative variations.

Restaurant in the suburbs: 4 rules
Restaurant in the suburbs. Are you thinking about opening a restaurant in the suburbs and are you afraid of having few customers? Managing a restaurant in the suburbs is certainly not a simple thing. In this case, in fact, Read more

The best app for catering
App for catering. Managing a restaurant includes a whole range of activities, from cost planning, to personnel management, to warehouse procurement, which is always under control. But this is not so simple, as the restaurant owner often has no Read more